Balancing Vertigo

Balancing Vertigo

VertigoVertigo is a common symptom presenting in chiropractic patients, notably after head and neck trauma. It can be a very debilitating condition. People with vertigo typically describe it as a feeling like they are:

  • Spinning
  • Titling
  • Swaying
  • Unbalanced
  • Pulled in one direction

Vertigo can have stem from problems in the inner ear or from disturbances in pathways in the nervous system. In most cases it is a very treatable condition.

However, because patients present with a variety of causes for their vertigo, it is imperative that your chiropractor perform an extensive exam and history. The good news is that most common causes respond well to conservative chiropractic care.

At Memphis Chiropractic Neurology, Dr. Bibb, is trained to perform the Epley Maneuver. This is a simple technique that will help alleviate the symptoms associated with vertigo. This in combination with exercises will help to restore balance.
