Chiropractic Care after a Car Accident

Chiropractic Care after a Car Accident

Chances are that if you live in Memphis, you or someone you know will be involved in an auto accident. It doesn’t matter if the car that hits you is going 5 mph or 50 mph, an impact at any speed will have some negative effect on you.

One of the most common injuries sustained after a car accident is whiplash. Whiplash occurs when your neck (or cervical spine) is “whipped” backward and then forward. The bones then become out of alignment and muscle stiffness often accompanies it. Anticipation of the impact can also strain neck, back, and shoulder muscles.

A detailed consultation and necessary X-rays will be performed to determine what course of treatment will be needed. Often times, spinal manipulation, therapeutic exercise, or muscle stimulation will be used, but treatment is specific to each patient’s needs. It is extremely important to be examined after having an accident. Pain may not be immediate but that does not mean that damage has not been done to your spine.

If you are in the Memphis or Cordova area, we would love to meet with you to discuss your issues and the best way to get them resolved.
